A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table
A bottle of wine and some meat on the table

Teen HomeStays, a

HomeStay Only Program*

Middle School & High School

Teens, Pre-Teens


Teen HomeStays

Cultural Immersion


A very simple concept.

The student stays with a carefullyselected host/family and shares the life of the host/family andparticipates in daily activities and excursions. The student istreated as a full member of the family. One student per family (unless friends come together).

  • Available throughout the entire year.
  • Ages: 12 to 18 years


Our Teen HomeStays Only Program is for the highly motivated student who:

  • wants to experience another culture;
  • wants to advance in the language or improve skills but does not want formal language lessons*;
  • needs to improve language skills and may pick up the language more quickly in a natural, out of classroom experience.

For some programs, you must have a background in the language of the country youwill be in.


Request Costs & DetailedInformation


Selection of Hosts/Families:

We know that many people may be apprehensive about sending their child to live in the home of a “complete stranger.”
To put your mind at ease…


Ask. There are many options. See List of Countries below.

College Credit



* This program is NOT
a foreign language study program.
It cannot be considered a substitute for a formal language


Request Information


phone calls are welcome

Phone: 786.216.7302

E-mail: [email protected]


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